
Showing posts from March, 2018

Luciferian Star Trek

                                  Luciferian Star Trek                     (Attractive After Nihilism)                    Suddenly, Star Trek starts to become a Luciferian religion.       And guess what, it always was, in that Gene Roddenberry, its creator, was a 33rd Degree Scottish-Rite Freemason. That’s Illuminati level, my good friends!       When you watch Star Trek, you are in Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Church. Going to the stars is their religion, and they have INDOCTRINATED YOU INTO IT USING HOLLYWOOD SCIENCE FICTION.       The Luciferian Jesuit plan naturally led to the idea that when nothing on Earth seems meaningful and then you just die, maybe outer space offers the panacea for all that ails you? To “boldly go where no Man has gone before”, might be your ticket to happiness. I mean you have to really dehumanize and beat up a society with wickedness, violence, betrayal, gender confusion, relationship trauma, political divisiveness, and just sheer terror to com

The New Atheism

                                      The New Atheism       But then somehow, contrary to all of we have been taught to believe by Atheistic public schooling, “higher” academia, and the media, we tend to press on in defiance of such existentially meaningless and hopeless, materialistic conclusions. Generally speaking, most of the human species, carries on each day with the assumption that we are NOT worthless, as though we do have meaning and purpose, and as if there is some basis for right and wrong, despite the complete lack of any basis for such a thing being presented in the construct of Scientific Materialism.        Well do to, Atheist shills like the Late Not-So-Great, Christopher Hitchens would have had us believe that right and wrong are written in the heart of each Man. Sounds reasonable enough, right? But wait! Written by whom? The difference between right and wrong is innate to our Evolutionary Nature? Is that it? But does not Nature operate solely within the moral rub

Relative Versus Absolute Morality

                       Relative Versus Absolute Morality        And as such, they believe they excused themselves from the odious notion of being subject to some psychotic Deity that would dare impose any moral parameters upon their lives. They imagine themselves to be “free”, as they fly at 1000’s of miles per hour throughout the vast emptiness of an ever-evolving cosmos.      But are they free? Not at all. For in reducing everything to the mechanistic determinism of Scientific materialism, freedom comes at the cost of being free of ANY meaning, any morality, any purpose…      In the cold, impersonal universe of Cosmic Evolution, there is no Design. No plan. No blueprint. No expectation. Life cannot even be regarded as having any more value or significance than non-life. All is nothing more than matter and energy, molecules and galaxies, colliding and repelling, forming and dissolving, organizing and dispersing. Endlessly. And in such a cold universe, there is no way to call A

We See as Through A Glass Darkly: About Eschaton Designs The Great Deception, God, Cosmology, and The Problem of Evil

"It’s funny how we use the term “awake” to describe the state of coming to recognize the reality of the evil agendas in this world. Recognize various conspiracies. The New World Order agenda. The nefarious Elites. The Illuminati. The Satanic control system…      But in truth, such realizations are not the benchmark of awakening.      Because embedded within the denunciation of all of those agendas, is the underlying assumption that there IS such a thing as Evil in the first place. That there is such a thing as objective moral transgression. A true violation, of humanity.      And this is what so many people do not go so far as to ponder.      They learn about the powers that should not be, they learn about the fraud that is at the heart of our economic system, the corruption within our so-called democracies, the poisoning that is going on with our food supplies, our water sources, even the air we breathe…      They get angry upon learning that NASA is lying to everyone,

Gate Keepers of Deception

It works like this.       The CIA find a niche, a potential habitat for a genuine 'alternative media personality', then fill the niche with one of their own people. Sometimes the niche is very broad, like the one Alex Jones fills. He is big enough to fill out an entire niche. He was put in place very early on, to make it hard for any competition to find a 'footing'. It is hard to compete with his professional set-up. Even though he began relatively low scale, it was still at a scale that few other people could afford. And he was quickly 'picked up' by the CIA from his 'home studio days' and provided with all the resources he required to 'make it big'.      At the same time, to appeal to other demographic elements, the CIA also set up 'The Young Turks', as a more 'slick' operation, pretty much on the level of a typical commercial 'conventional corporate media' operation. People being paid well, with all the professio

Preface to the Scientism Delusion by Gregory Lessing Garrett

     The progressive art rock band, RUSH , has this lyric that goes: “It’s hard to be enlightened…when The Truth is so dimly lit.”  Never has a rock band’s lyric been as true as now in human history.        Whatever Absolute Truth you thought you may have had, has been twisted maimed, convoluted, spin-doctored, and raped a thousand times over by a billion differing opinions, as soon as you think, speak, or write it. There is always somebody to refute you, to launch a counter defense, to intimidate you with more complexity, to rob you of your very right to know anything for sure.       We walk The Earth as traumatized victims of a cognitive dissonance labyrinth, searching hungrily for any morsels of Absolute Truth while batting away any and every Truth we find because it comes to us laced with the poison arsenic of condemnation.…we stagger and fall, morally schizophrenic.        We’ve been down this road too many times. We’ve seen how sure we were before…about anythin

Scientism is a Faith Based Religion

                    Scientism is a Faith Based Religion        How would you take a population that had completely embraced the framework of Scientific Materialism, and then get them to embrace magic, higher dimensions, mystical transcendence…Every last piece of The Ancient Luciferian Mystery School Teachings?  How Do You Create A Thoroughly Luciferian Humanity? Here is how: Evolution Becomes the Mantra Pride Becomes the Main Virtue Lab Coat Smocks Replace Ancient Priestly Robes Science Fiction Films Become Science Documentaries Equations Replace Magic Spells The Word “Science” Replaces the Phrase “Occult Alchemy” Reason and Logic Replace Feeling and Intuition Mystical Realms Turned into Galaxies and Solar Systems Spiritual Realities Get Repackaged as Interdimensional Quantum Realities Angels and Demons Turned into Aliens Spirit Tuned into Quantum Fluctuations They’ve Swapped Out Bricks with Microchips They’ve Swapped Out Stone with Silicone Oc

When Empiricism Becomes Tyranny

Epistemic Autocracy              In the past, the elite manipulated the population through a more mystical belief system. In particular, there was the institution of Sun worship (typified by deities such as Osiris and Set). However, as antiquity gave way to modern history, this system of control began to lose its effectiveness. During the sixteenth century, the ruling class managed to co-opt a relatively new methodology of truth discernment…Science.                        Over the years, they would contaminate this institution with their own virulent strains of thought, including Metaphysical Naturalism, Radical Empiricism, Malthusianism, Darwinism, Behaviorism, Radical Environmentalism, etc. Many of these paradigms were derivative of their own occult doctrines, thinly veiled to appear as objective science. All of these concepts correlate in some way and, at some point, coalesce. Together, they are gradually paving the way for the re-introduction of the hidden god of the Ancient

Standing In Your Rain With Leah Sarah Official Music Video
