The Luciferian Elite Plan for Apotheosis

      I seek to expose the Luciferian Scheme to achieve Apotheosis though the utilization of Satanic Occult Secret Knowledge. The Luciferian Elite call it “Apotheosis”. The rest of us know it as Transhumanism.

      How do they intend to achieve this? First of all, they ARE achieving. It is all woven into the digital fabric of the Smart Grid Surveillance System that has come up around us over the past few decades. Everyone is tracked and watched in every move they make, online and off, while being socially engineered to conform to a Hive-Mind psycho-social and consumer mentality.

       The Smart Grid is the superstructure that provides the iron-clad, technological prison that The Elite are using for their current worldwide war. 

                                                     WW III has begun. 

                                 The Third World War is the phony War on Terror. 

       It started on September 11th, 2001, and it is The Hidden War that is being used to strip all civil liberties away from the citizens of the Earth. Eventually, through terror and Smart Grid technologies, all will either be exterminated or locked down into highly controlled surveillance, with minimal movement allowed. However, they will not know that is happening. People will submit to the Smart Grid Tyranny, as they are doing even now, under their own volition.

       Privacy will be a thing of the past under this worldwide Smart Grid lockdown. But again, this situation will be the result of people’s desire to be imprisoned in this surveillance system that will be its real source of effectiveness. All the government has to do is claim they need to track all movements, whereabouts, and transactions for the benefit of national security, and the masses allow it. We have all been conditioned to permit this invasion of our privacies and lose of civil liberties since birth. We are a demoralized people.  How many people, even today, do not willingly offer all of their personal data, doings, and moment to moment geographic location to Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat?

       And modern sexuality has been transformed into a Brave New World style competition for deviance, and decadence, with no thought of procreation or child-rearing, left. The Elite have employed their social engineers to make a perverted sexual animal of Man, reducing him into an attention whore who seeks to fulfill his narcissistic supply of likes, matches, and sexual conquests. Both genders are implicit in this. The Elite dictate all the sordid fetishes, gender styles, and sexual appetites of the world now. We watch movies where the hyper-sexualization of war, technology, violence, and leisure is commonplace. It is very much like Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where sexual customs are determined by the World State. The act of sex is controlled by a system of social rewards for promiscuity and lack of commitment...the more promiscuous the better the reward. The old moral system of the world has been subverted and inverted.

       We have become enslaved by a compulsion for easy pleasure without accountability and where a banal popular culture opiates the masses. A world where, day by day, big business encourages us to sacrifice our privacy and spy on friends and families through social media. Reality TV, selfies, mass pornography, and the internet voyeurism are ubiquitous, and what was once the moral abomination of yesterday is now is now the blasé and perfectly acceptable of today.

       We are swiftly becoming a world at the mercy of an all-powerful elite. It is a reoccurring theme gaining increasing momentum, especially in modern film and literature. Just think of The Hunger Games, Insurgent, “Black Mirror”, “Humans”, “Utopia”, and earlier, Brave New World and 1984. The emergence of an elite who control the majority, who invariably are low-income consumers, is a worldwide social phenomenon; increasingly we are taught to believe that a peaceful utopian life for all is only possible in a world where dissent and real human emotions are crushed. We see this in the film, Equilibrium, where all human emotions are suppressed for the cause of Universal Peace. And what is The New Age but the same false peace.

        We are being subdued by a concealed weapon, Technology, which penetrates the mind, filling it with a babel of distractions, news items, mutually irrelevant bits of information, relentless news flashes, social media pages, blasts of corybantic or sentimental music, continually repeated doses of drama that bring no catharsis, but merely create a craving for daily or even hourly emotional enemies.

        We are at a crossroads now. We can ignore the signs and allow a worldwide Smart Grid of unimaginable oppression to go up around us, or we can start opposing it. It is a choice that can no longer be ignored. As long as we desire the pleasures of technology and stagger onwards, drunk upon the techno-hypnotic trance of digital convenience, we will become slaves to The Elite plan for Transhumanism, where The Luciferian Elite ascend and make everyone else their digitally imprisoned slaves.

       The choice is ours.                                                                        


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