The Naturalistic Leap of Faith: The One Free Miracle of Science

        “It’s almost as if science said, “Give me one free miracle, and from there the entire thing will proceed with a seamless, causal explanation.” The one free miracle was the sudden appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe, with all the laws that govern it.”
                          ― Rupert Sheldrake, The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry

       And this point is precisely the thing that undermines the fundamental underpinning of Atheism. And, to date, not a single Atheist can answer to this due to their self-imposed Methodological Naturalism biases. When you point out this obvious error in their thinking, they just deflect the question and default to the mantra. “You cannot just take the Leap of Faith that an Eternal God caused the Natural World!” My response, “Why not, you have?”
       I mean let’s be straight about this. The Atheist gets his One Free Miracle of The Universe coming out of nowhere, or even more miraculous, a Universe that is Eternal, jettisoning the Big Bang Theory completely, or a forever bouncing, Big Bounce Universe, etc… it does not matter, ultimately, because any Cosmological Model amounts to a Free Miracle, on the house, and then it does what it wants, carte blanche.
        However, the only caveat or stipulation in the Atheist’s Free Miracle is that it not include any suggestion or insinuation of Supernatural origins. The Free Miracle must always be explained in Naturalistic terms because certain Atheistic scientists decided those were the terms of the agreement. If the Universe were thought to be composed of discreetly quantized “material” packets of information and energy, then one might feel compelled to bend to this model. But obviously, quantum physics has pushed the envelope far beyond such a quantized materialistic model of matter and created a huge edifice of descriptions about reality that are nonmaterial, invisible, probabilistic, Zero Point Field oriented, and information based. energy. Even the idea of quantized energy packets is becoming fast an archaic notion of archaic descriptive syntax as quantum information science sprints at breakneck speeds towards techno spiritual simulation theory, and quantum mystical interdimensional models. The idea of matter and materiality is being completely crushed beneath the grinding wheels of nonmaterial quantum research.
And this point is precisely the thing that undermines the fundamental underpinning of Atheism. And, to date, not a single Atheist can answer to this due to their self-imposed Methodological Naturalism biases. When you point out this obvious error in their thinking, they just deflect the question and default to the mantra. “You cannot just take the Leap of Faith that an Eternal God caused the Natural World!” My response, “Why not, you have?”
       I mean let’s be straight about this. The Atheist gets his One Free Miracle of The Universe coming out of nowhere, or even more miraculous, a Universe that is Eternal, jettisoning the Big Bang Theory completely, or a forever bouncing, Big Bounce Universe, etc… it does not matter, ultimately, because any Cosmological Model amounts to a Free Miracle, on the house, and then it does what it wants, carte blanche.
        However, the only caveat or stipulation in the Atheist’s Free Miracle is that it not include any suggestion or insinuation of Supernatural origins. The Free Miracle must always be explained in Naturalistic terms because certain Atheistic scientists decided those were the terms of the agreement. If the Universe were thought to be composed of discreetly quantized “material” packets of information and energy, then one might feel compelled to bend to this model. But obviously, quantum physics has pushed the envelope far beyond such a quantized materialistic model of matter and created a huge edifice of descriptions about reality that are nonmaterial, invisible, probabilistic, Zero Point Field oriented, and information based. energy. Even the idea of quantized energy packets is becoming fast an archaic notion of archaic descriptive syntax as quantum information science sprints at breakneck speeds towards techno spiritual simulation theory, and quantum mystical interdimensional models. The idea of matter and materiality is being completely crushed beneath the grinding wheels of nonmaterial quantum research.
        Also, mathematical models often no longer even apply to the material world in the ever-dizzying quantum mill of churning equations and numbers. Rupert Sheldrake elucidates:
 “If memory within nature sounds mysterious, we should bear in mind that mathematical laws transcending nature are more rather than less so; they are metaphysical rather than physical. The way mathematical laws can exist independently of the evolving universe and at the same time act upon it remains a profound mystery. For those who accept God, this mystery is an aspect of God's relation to the realm of nature; for those who deny God, the mystery is even more obscure: A quasi-mental realm of mathematical laws somehow exists independently of nature, yet not in God, and governs the evolving physical world without itself being physical.”
― Rupert Sheldrake, The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God

        Scientists talk of particles as waves, waves as particles, and particles as mathematical probabilities with fields, and fields as possessing properties that are neither particle nor wave oriented and it just never ends anywhere. It is all a paradoxical flux of quantum mystical mechanics, a continual, nonmaterial wave function collapse of immaterial potentiality.
        Additionally, what about the laws of the Universe? The fact that the laws exist is highly indicative of some intelligent force who made them because the laws should not have spontaneously emerged from random events. Nothing in organized fields of information evolves from random, non-guided events. Even if you have 10 to the 568 years, you will never arrive at the Laws of Physics from a blind random chance. Of course, our descriptions of the Laws are malleable but what we are describing remains constant, as far as we know.
       Intelligent information systems only come from intelligent causal sources. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say in computer information science. The highly complex interleaving of the Laws of Physics is far from garbage. You’d have to completely abort all rational and intelligent understanding about how the Laws of Physic operate to leap to the notion they had no intelligent generator.
       A computer program must be designed by someone who is capable of understanding it fully. If we exist (as an analogy) within that program, the only sensible thing to do is acknowledge that the program has rules and seems to be designed, and not illogically attribute it to some randomness. If it were random, then we could not claim to know anything about anything because even our cognition would be fallible and unintelligible, and science would be rendered meaningless and useless nonsense.
       Lastly, Atheism cuts its own throat, with no help from Theists, when it accepts that The Universe operates upon causal chains, but cannot create nor destroy anything, according to the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy. The Law of Conservation of Energy and Mass implies that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can change from one form to another. The law of conservation of mass states that the total amount of mass remains constant in an isolated system despite any physical or chemical changes that may take place.  Nevertheless, some scientists try to sneak in a “Naturalistic creation motif” by slipping in nebulous innuendos from unproven fringe physics about obscure quantum particles coming into creation, etc… It’s yet another paltry attempt to sneak a Free Miracle into the room and declare it has naturalistic antecedents. Their only defense, “A scientist said it, so it must be true!” Where have we heard that before? Oh, that’s right, EVERYWHERE! It had might as well been a Jesuit Priest who said...same authority. But The universe simply cannot create anything new, and obviously could never create itself. Creation requires a superior Transcendental causal agency.
      I say this again; the universe cannot create itself. If Atheists were to say the universe is an uncaused state of existence that has no creator, that means the universe should have no beginning or even be finite because you would equate the universe to being a God of its own, but it does have a beginning in its own finite image. So how can an entity of such like the universe create itself in a vacuum of space with so much mathematical accuracy fixated to perfection merely by cosmical coincidence and chance? (This is called the fine-tuning of the universe) Therefore, if there is no God, the universe shouldn't even have existed in the first place unless a Foreign, Uncaused, Cosmical Power caused creation to be The Significant First.

       Ultimately, science employs the extrapolation of inferential data based upon inductive logic. We easily infer a cause to Space-Time. It is no stretch. What is insane is to insinuate that the Universe came from nothing or has always been existence with no intelligent causal agency.


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