
Th Scientism Delusion

When Empiricism Becomes Tyranny

Epistemic Autocracy              In the past, the elite manipulated the population through a more mystical belief system. In particular, there was the institution of Sun worship (typified by deities such as Osiris and Set). However, as antiquity gave way to modern history, this system of control began to lose its effectiveness. During the sixteenth century, the ruling class managed to co-opt a relatively new methodology of truth discernment…Science.                        Over the years, they would contaminate this institution with their own virulent strains of thought, including Metaphysical Naturalism, Radical Empiricism, Malthusianism, Darwinism, Behaviorism, Radical Environmentalism, etc. Many of these paradigms were derivative of their own occult doctrines, thinly veiled to appear as objective science. All of these concepts correlate in some way and, at some point, coalesce. Together, they are gradually paving the way for the re-introduction of the hidden god of the Ancient

The Luciferian Elite Plan for Apotheosis

      I seek to expose the Luciferian Scheme to achieve Apotheosis though the utilization of Satanic Occult Secret Knowledge. The Luciferian Elite call it “Apotheosis”. The rest of us know it as Transhumanism.       How do they intend to achieve this? First of all, they ARE achieving. It is all woven into the digital fabric of the Smart Grid Surveillance System that has come up around us over the past few decades. Everyone is tracked and watched in every move they make, online and off, while being socially engineered to conform to a Hive-Mind psycho-social and consumer mentality.        The Smart Grid is the superstructure that provides the iron-clad, technological prison that The Elite are using for their current worldwide war.                                                       WW III has begun.                                   The Third World War is the phony War on Terror.         It started on September 11 th , 2001, and it is The Hidden War that is being u
The Indispensability of Theological Meta-Ethical Foundations for Morality        “Finally, on the theistic hypothesis, God holds all persons morally accountable for their actions. Evil and wrong will be punished; righteousness will be vindicated. Good ultimately triumphs over evil, and we shall finally see that we do live in a moral universe after all. Despite the inequities of this life, in the end, the scales of God's justice will be balanced.        Thus, the moral choices we make in this life are infused with an eternal significance. We can with consistency make moral choices which run contrary to our self-interest and even undertake acts of extreme self-sacrifice, knowing that such decisions are not empty and ultimately meaningless gestures. Rather our moral lives have a paramount significance. So, I think it is evident that theism provides a sound foundation for morality.        Contrast this with the atheistic hypothesis. First, if atheism is true, objective moral v
The Transcendental Cosmological Model is The Most Plausible Scientific Model         The Transcendental Cosmological Model of Theism is the most plausible model in scientific inquiry to date. Based on empirical data and inferences I extrapolate from, this is the scientific method in full regalia.        Until I can prove otherwise. The possibility for Supernatural causes, Aliens, and the existence of yet UNPROVEN, Dark Matter are all possibilities. However, some models are more scientifically PLAUSIBLE that others. From my research and Epistemological and Ontological reasoning, the likelihood of a Supernatural causal antecedent to Space-Time is extremely high. In fact, it is Ontologically necessary.        I don't see things as possible. I see things as PLAUSIBLE. From the evidence, Epistemological reasoning, and Ontological data, it's extremely Plausible that a Supernatural causal antecedent to Space-Time exists. Whether an Atheist has the aptitude or ability to see bey
Atheists Love to Conflate the Old Testament to Reflect Christian Morality        Conflating The Old Testament stories to reflect Christian morality, or even the will of God, for that matter, is an classic mistake that Atheists make. Often Biblical stories are taken out of context by those zealous to hate Christianity to make the Bible and Christianity appear vile and murderous, which is patent nonsense when you actually read what Christ taught and review The Ten Commandments and Sermons on the Mount, etc... The Bible relates many points in history where there was violence but Christ never condones violence. Often Atheists will desperately hunt for passages in the Bible that speak of someone ordering the killing of someone or other, what have you, and then proceed to construct a wild theory about how murderous all religions are. The obvious and outlandishly erroneous misinterpretation of all this is beyond comprehension, when you consider how reasonable and logical Atheists proudly
The Death of Atheistic Materialism        In the domain of Natural Science, events have natural causes which can be determined according to Natural Laws. However, Natural Science, due to overt Methodological Naturalism Confirmation Biases, which prevent it from entertaining any Supernatural explanations for natural effects, is ill-equipped to handle the problem of Supernatural causality. And that’s why Natural Science can say nothing about the Supernatural. It simply cannot test for something that it assumes is not there.        Natural Science is crippled under the burden of its own Methodological Naturalism prejudices. (Methodological Naturalism is a strategy for studying the world, by which scientists choose not to consider Supernatural causes, from intrinsic assumptions and biases about the world and in their approach to science, even as a remote possibility.)        Anything that Natural Science cannot identify, it categorizes as a non-existence thing. There are good reason
The Morally Myopic Atheist Letter to an Atheist:        “Your language use, limited and severely crippled understanding of science and philosophy, and degree of comprehension simply do not reflect intelligence at all. Methodological Naturalism is your only credential, I am sorry to inform you. I think you know this already an have become good at self-deception. Using the gatekeepers of peer review, in the monolithic field of Atheistic Materialism to prop your confused body up in neither impressive, compellingly persuasive, effective, nor advisable. What you have accomplished, however, is in effect to reveal to everyone listening to your inane speculations about reality that you live in The Dark Ages of Prejudice and Presupposition about reality. The very notion that Metaphysical plausibility is not a part of your lexicon of cognates is indicative of someone who has rarely, if ever, explored anything other than the narrow and myopic boundaries of his singular domain of study, in th
The Naturalistic Leap of Faith: The One Free Miracle of Science         “It’s almost as if science said, “Give me one free miracle, and from there the entire thing will proceed with a seamless, causal explanation.” The one free miracle was the sudden appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe, with all the laws that govern it.”                           ― Rupert Sheldrake, The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry        And this point is precisely the thing that undermines the fundamental underpinning of Atheism. And, to date, not a single Atheist can answer to this due to their self-imposed Methodological Naturalism biases. When you point out this obvious error in their thinking, they just deflect the question and default to the mantra. “You cannot just take the Leap of Faith that an Eternal God caused the Natural World!” My response, “Why not, you have?”        I mean let’s be straight about this. The Atheist gets his One Free Miracle of The Univers